
Prayer by Tim Keller

An outstanding book. Both theological and practical; it will help you with your conversations and deeper encounters with God


The Habit of Holiness by Martin Warner

‘A book to inhabit, which encourages the user into a daily habit of prayer. The importance of a daily routine becomes apparent in exceptional circumstances, when we want to stretch out and catch heaven by the hems…

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A Praying Life by Paul Miller

A stunning book that will Not make you feel guilty about your prayer life! Full of insights about how to connect the broken pieces of your life and allow prayer, even poorly delivered, to fill the gaps with meaning and substance. A down-to-earth approach helping you see that your relationship with God can grow and your communication with Him can get better. 


Too busy not to pray

by Bill Hybels

A classic that really helps when learning to pray. Tried and tested over decades this is a must read!