There are several ways you can give regularly to the work of St Matthew’s…

1.       Through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), which is the easiest way to give regularly.  You set up a direct debit payment through the Church of England to St Matthew’s and gift aid is claimed automatically if you sign a declaration as a taxpayer. PGS has launched a telephone service to enable prospective donors to set up a regular Direct Debit gift over the phone. Call the dedicated telephone number: 0333 002 1271. Lines are open Monday to Friday, between 9 – 5pm. You will need to have your bank account details, church/parish name and St Matthew’s PGS parish code which is 10-1070145-CHICH.

You can also find PGS forms to fill out in the rack at the back of church or via To find out more please visit

2. For a one off donation through GoCardless by following this link: DONATE

3. Through your own online banking account. Our account details are:

Account Name: St Matthew’s PCC Sort Code: 30-99-93 Account No: 03798708

Gift Aid - Please fill in a Gift Aid declaration form to make your donation go even further! For every £1 you give us we get an extra 25p from HMRC. You can download a form here.

Please return all forms to Mrs Angela Standen, Finance Officer, Parish Office, St Matthew’s Church, Tarring Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 4HB or

Please find our data privacy statement here.

Please do contact us if you are planning to give by standing order, require a paper Gift Aid declaration form, or have any other questions.

Thank you