New singers are very welcome to join us on a Monday Morning at St Matthew’s. Singing is a fantastic way to keep spirits high and you will hopefully feel part of a friendly community very quickly.

More details at or email or on Singwell Choir Facebook Page.

 Our community choir meets on Monday mornings.

We believe that singing together can build a community spirit and help us in many different ways. Our aim is to be a friendly and supportive environment for you to feel right at home. The choir is open to anyone, regardless of experience or ability. There are no auditions, so please just come and join us!

Where? - St Matthew’s Church Hall

When? - Mondays 10-11.30am. (Term time only)

Cost? - We ask £5 per session including refreshments.


Julia Daintree is our choir director; she has a wealth of experience and is passionate about communities coming together through singing.


Photos from our recent Christmas Concert